Import Control System 2 (ICS2)

The new EU security system ICS2

With the further development of the European security system ICS1 to ICS2, the EU is centralizing the declarations with a cargo pre-loading information system for transport operators.

We have implemented the ICS2 processes and -interfaces and our customs applications/platforms in line with the new requirements. We offer two ways to use this solution, either web-based with ZODIAK GE or with the EDI platform (XML, EDIFACT and EXCEL). Both make the complete ICS process easy.

The ICS2 procedure is being introduced step by step for the branches and players concerned:

The first group for which the new procedure is already mandatory is air freight. . For the shipping companies, the migration window begins on 03.06.2024 and ends on 04.12.2024, sea freight house filers (freight forwarders) can migrate from participate in ICS2 from 04.12.2024. In the last group follow the road and rail transport. Their migration window begins on 01.04.2025 and ends on 01.09.2025

Further information on ICS2 from the official EU side can be found under the following link.


The import process with ICS2

Importing goods into the EU is a 5-stage process, with the ICS2 process comprising the first two stages: Submission of the ENS, notification of arrival and mode of transport, and the presentation of goods.

ICS2, Stage1

Submission of the Entry Summary Declaration (ENS)


Notification of arrival and type of transport (sea and air transport only)


Presentation of goods


Temporary custody of goods


Assignment of goods to a customs procedure

Our solutions for ICS2

For all customs procedures

Customs software ZODIAK GE

Choose your level of integration

Individuell anpassbar

Standardized interfaces

Via XML, EDIFACT, EXCEL. Incl. storage of messages, log books, clear error messages

Simply usable

Drag & Map

Excel-Upload and convenient features for individual and all processing steps

Sectors and operators to be affected:

  • Express delivery services
  • Postal operators within and outside the EU
  • Air freight carriers
  • Freight forwarders and logistics companies
  • Maritime, rail and road transport operators
  • Destination consignees located in the EU for goods received via maritime transport
  • Representatives of all affected economic operators


Well prepared for ICS2

The most important basics for getting yourself prepared

What is the impact of ICS2 on economic operators?

All economic operators who conduct business internationally or deal with third countries worldwide are affected. In the future, as additional security data will be required for import customs procedures, operators will have to submit the ENS "Entry Summary Declaration" to ICS2 for all goods entering the common security area of the EU, Switzerland and Norway.

What does ”Multiple Filing“ mean?

Maritime and air freight carriers only need to submit basic information to the EU Cargo Advance Information System. Any supplementary information is reported directly to the ICS system by freight forwarders or logistics providers themselves. This principle, known as "Multiple Filing," provides competitive protection for the participants, as freight forwarders and logistics providers no longer have to disclose their customers and related sensitive data to the carriers in the course of the procedure.

Does the data have to be provided in a different format than previously?

ICS2 is based on a uniform format called Entry Summary Declaration (ENS), which does not allow any deviations. This increases the required accuracy of the information, for example for the HS code. Previously, either the goods description or at least four digits of the HS code had to be provided on an entry summary declaration; in the future, all six digits of the HS code will have to be transmitted. As a result, substandard or incomplete declarations may be rejected or prompt EU customs authorities to conduct further security checks or implement other measures. In the worst case, authorities will issue a loading ban or stop shipments at EU customs borders.

Please also read our FAQ, especially on the introduction of ICS2