Reliability and transparency in the declaration of dangerous goods: digital shipping portal INFr8 is growing
DAKOSY press release (May 2019)
Rolling in Hamburg: Hamburg Veterinary Office joins DAKOSY’s slot booking system
DAKOSY pressrelease (May 2019)
Innovative IT system FAIR@Link makes processes at Hamburg Airport Cargo Center even more efficient
Joint press release from Hamburg Airport and DAKOSY (May 2019)
Take off eDGD – pilot group attests to a good start for the electronic Dangerous Goods Declaration
DAKOSY Press release (April 2019)
Aktuelle Meldungen /
Slot booking procedures to make truck handling at the Hamburg container terminals more efficient
DAKOSY press release (July 2017)
Katrin Woywod

+49 40 37003 320
Postal address
DAKOSY Datenkommunikationssystem AG
Mattentwiete 2
20457 Hamburg