New Dashboard at Frankfurt Airport Provides Comprehensive Cargo Information in Real Time
Joined press release with allivate GmbH, Fraport AG and DAKOSY (Sept. 2024)
Digital “Authorization for Pick-Up” will replace PIN procedure - DAKOSY and dbh make container imports via German sea ports more secure
Joined press release from DAKOSY and dbh Logistics IT AG (April 2024)
allivate - DAKOSY and Fraport form joint venture for the digitalization of air cargo processes
Joined press release from DAKOSY and Fraport AG (January 2024)
Simon Lembke appointed as new member of the Board of Directors at DAKOSY - New post as of September 1, 2023
DAKOSY press release (August 2023)
The new container status information function for the seaports of Bremerhaven, Hamburg and Wilhelmshaven has now been activated
DAKOSY press release (August 2023)
Digital Release: pilot partners get ready for the market
Joined press release with dbh Logistics IT AG (June 2023)
Start of binding container slot booking in Bremerhaven
Joined press release with EUROGATE (April 2023)
Katrin Woywod
+49 40 37003 320
Postal address
DAKOSY Datenkommunikationssystem AG
Mattentwiete 2
20457 Hamburg