Customs handling support
ZODIAK GE supports you in customs export processing via ATLAS. In addition to standard customs processes, ZODIAK GE offers additional intelligent functions, including:
- Inward / outward processing
- Sanctions list checking (compliance)
- Integrated TARES
Of course, ZODIAK GE can be integrated via the BOX interface into your in-house system or transport management system so that customs declarations can automatically be made directly from your IT system.
ZODIAK GE can be combined with the DAKOSY Customs clearance solutions for German seaports (EMP/ZAPP) and airports (ZAPP-Air) so that you can efficiently meet ATLAS requirements at external borders.
ZODIAK GE supports you with customs import processing via ATLAS when using both simplified and standard Customs import processes. ZODIAK GE offers additional intelligent functions, including:
- Inward / outward processing
- Sanctions list checking (compliance)
- Integrated TARES
- Fiscal representation
- Preliminary calculations
Of course, ZODIAK GE can be integrated via the BOX interface into your in-house system or transport management system so that import processing can automatically be done directly from your IT system.
ZODIAK GE is certified for NCTS / Passar in Switzerland and supports you in the transport of non-Community goods within the EU (dispatch and receiving).
In addition to standard NCTS processes, ZODIAK GE offers additional intelligent functions, including:
- Sanctions list checking
- Guarantee management
- Integrated TARES
- Seals management
ZODIAK GE can be integrated via the BOX interface into your in-house system or transport management system so that the transit processes can automatically be performed directly from your IT system.
ZODIAK BOX interface
With the BOX interface you can use your own in-house system as the basis for customs handling. The data from your in-house system, for example, a TMS or merchandise management system, flows through the BOX (Business Objects Exchange) into ZODIAK GE. You can easily view, complete, change and send your data on to ZODIAK.
Using ZODIAK GE, your communications with customs are always checked and reviewed at the time they are transmitted. Since the level of integration into BOX is variable, you can decide which degree of integration is optimal for your company. Of course, the entire implementation process is guided by our BOX specialists.
Additional functions
Easy integration of Excel
Drag&Map customs offers simple and flexible support for the integration of Excel and CSV files into customs processes. The potential time savings are enormous. Shipment data, often comprising more than 100 items, can be uploaded automatically. This eliminates the need for time-consuming manual entry and allows you to speed up your processes interactively and easily.
For any customs declaration (e.g. declaration for free circulation), Drag&Map customs provides a profile with defined fields. As soon as you have uploaded your shipment data (e.g. via Excel), you define which column should be assigned to which field in the profile and save the template. Now you can create the customs declaration including all positions with a single mouse click and then correct and complete it in ZODIAK GE.
The template can also be customized to be used as often as desired for order data and customer situations with the same structure.
Electronic customs tariff (TARES) is integrated into ZODIAK. It assists in all customs procedures in the correct determination of import duties as well as in the use of preferences and favourable tariff treatments. In the course of import and export processing, the integrated TARES tariff function notifies you of all relevant embargoes, prohibitions and restrictions, and statistical information.
Using the sanction list check integrated into our software solutions, you can include the legally required check of all business contacts for the detection and prevention of prohibited business relationships in your company processes.
To ensure maximum security of your processes, the document check makes a final check during the so-called "last mile" possible. This ensures that currently valid lists are used for the examination at the actual time of the business activity. A block check of the master data can also be integrated. Of course the integration into your business processes is guided by our specialists.
The integration of guarantee management into ZODIAK NCTS saves you the additional management of collateral earmarked for the payment of pending import duties. As soon as a transit procedure is completed, the guarantee liability is automatically withdrawn so that you always have an overview of the amount of the so-called free collateral. The guarantee management function makes handling all shipping processes within the scope of NCTS procedure easy and convenient.
On behalf of the authorized consignor, special seals must sometimes be affixed to parts of a shipment. ZODIAK manages the number range and can provide information at any time about which special seal number has been used for which procedure and which numbers are still available.